Kier Salmon

Born in the USA. Raised in Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, specifically in La Ciudad de México, D.F. I returned to live in the USA at the age of 27.

I grew up reading SciFi and Fantasy and Historical novels and older writers. I started to write as a teenager, in spanish. Later I graduated to writing Star Trek™ fan-fic… long before I knew what fan-fiction was. I deeply disliked the original Star Trek™ and my fan-fiction was aimed at correcting some of the more glaring problems, in my mind. Not only did none of it see the light of day; the typewritten sheets were lost when I moved. Small loss, IMHO.

Although I visited OZ, and Narnia, and the Boxcar children universes frequently, I didn't return to the idea of fan-fiction with the exception of a Sime-Gen piece until after I came to know and work with Steve Stirling. His Island and Emberverse works inspired my brother and I to write what would have happened to us. I posted the story for the stirling yahoo list and found myself running the fan-fiction site.

Since then a number of new stories have occured to me and some have even seen the light of day. I've published professionally a short story and hope to publish some more in the future.